How to make Finns think you’re a weirdo

Planning a trip to Finland and want to make sure you don't accidentally offend the locals? Look no further!

Here is a list of four common ways you can offend Finns without even realising it. From nakedness in the sauna to disliking the beloved Moomin characters, make sure to avoid these faux pas.

Keep your clothes on around strangers

Most cultures view nakedness as sexual and very funny. But for Finns, it's a different story. In the sauna, Finns let it all hang out with friends, family, and sometimes work-mates. It's tempting for an outsider to hang on to their Speedos upon their first sauna visit, but not flaunting your birthday suit in a Finnish sauna makes you the odd one out. So show some decorum and embrace your nakedness with dignity.

Don't indulge in debauchery on Vappu

Vappu is Finland's Labour Day which takes place on May 1st, just as the weather is turning picnic-friendly. Vappu is all about fun, celebration, and consuming copious amounts of the traditional Finnish mead (Sima). It's a time when the streets of Helsinki fill with laughter, dancing, vomiting and stumbling drunks. The place makes Las Vegas look like a wholesome cow town. So staying in on Vappu is not an option. OK, there are some Finns who spend Vappu at their summer cottages. But you can bet that even those guys will be fall-on-their-ass drunk by 9 pm.

Say that you're not a fan of the Moomins

In Finland, Moomins are kind of a big deal. Created as a children's story in 1945 by Tove Jansson, the Moomin brand is now a global behemoth worth over 500 million euros. The chubby pale hippo-like creatures are unbelievably cute and resonate with millions of people, especially the Finnish. If you ever visit Finland, be prepared to see more Moomins than you have ever seen in your life. Moomin cafes, Moomin sodas, and even Moomin medical supplies are typical in Finland. So If you want to vex a Finn for fun, refer to their much-loved creatures as "spooky hippos" or "chubby weird ghost things." But if you really don't like Moomins, don't come to Finland. There's no escaping the glare of their abnormally large eyes here.

Start a polite and friendly conversation with a stranger

Finland's landmass is covered by 78% forest, so it's understandable Finns learn the value of privacy and personal space at a young age. Finnish public transport even seems to be designed to give people lots of space, as carriages on underground trains tend to have fewer seats. It's just one more reason Finns don't tend to enjoy making small talk with random members of the public. Here, saying rude stuff to a Finn like "nice weather today, isn't it?" will be met with confusion and annoyance.

Remember, while it may be easy to offend Finns without realising it, it is also easy to avoid doing so by simply being aware of and respecting simple things like this. Happily, by following these tips, you can fully enjoy all that this marvellous country has to offer, naked or not. 


  • I’m a Finn and I can 100% say that most Finns DO NOT like Moomins (or Muumit, as we call them). So if you despise the badly drawn blobs of mozzarella that mumble and whine, you’ll get a thumbs up from a true Finn.

  • If a Finn pays for you: Mark it as an honour 🎖!! If you pay for them..they are bit in a shock.

    Junko Shrestha
  • If a Finn pays for you: Mark it as an honour 🎖!! If you pay for them..they are bit in a shock.

    Junko Shrestha

  • Please remind foreigners about Finnish sauna etiquette. Nudity doesn’t mean sex!


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