Surviving 15 Finnish culture shocks: A foreigner's guide

Ever wonder what it's like to dive headfirst into a completely different culture? Get ready for a ride through the most surprising Finnish culture shocks that every newcomer faces. Strap in and prepare to navigate the quirky, charming world of Finnish customs and traditions.
Tax Shock and Income Transparency:
Prepare to have your eyebrows raised to your hairline. The concept of everyone's income being public knowledge, coupled with high taxes, can be a startling reality for foreigners arriving in Finland. But remember, these taxes fuel their world-class healthcare, education, and social services. It's a system that promotes equality and welfare - a far cry from the low-tax models many countries suffer with.
A Stripped-Down Approach to Nudity:
If getting naked back home mostly happens in the privacy of your own home or, at the very least, requires an 'explicit content' warning, Finland will be a wild ride for you. Finns embrace nudity in a relaxed, non-sexual way, particularly in the context of saunas. For many foreigners, the idea of public nudity could cause a blush or two.
Sports of the Winter Wonderland:
In Finland, winter sports are a way of life. The snowy months signal time for skiing, ice-skating, and hockey. If you hail from a land where winter sports are a novelty or, worse, virtually non-existent, brace yourself. The thought of slaloming down a slope or gliding on ice might be outside your comfort zone, but it's part of Finnish charm.
Embracing the Sound of Silence:
For foreigners used to constant chatter, Finnish silence can be unnerving. It's as if you've entered a silent movie. Be it in a pub or a family gathering, Finns often relish silence, a stark contrast to more talkative cultures. So, if you find yourself in a quiet Finnish setting, don't fret - it's not you, it's just us Finns being Finns.
Rules - The Finnish Love Story:
Rule adherence, an essential aspect of Finnish society, might come off as strange to some foreigners. For instance, Finns won't cross the road until the green pedestrian light signals, even if there's no car in sight. The sight of Finns patiently waiting at a crosswalk might seem odd, but it's respect for rules - another unique Finnish trait.
Finnish, the Linguistic Labyrinth:
For those used to Romance or Germanic languages, Finnish will be a challenge. The multitude of cases and complicated grammar might make you feel like you've been tossed into a linguistic whirlpool.
The Chilling Thrill of Ice Swimming:
Fancy a 'refreshing' dip in icy waters after a sauna session? Welcome to Finland, where ice swimming is a popular pastime. To a foreigner, it might feel more like an icy shock than a refreshing dip.
Easter Witches and Early Halloween
In Finland, there are plenty of unique traditions, and Easter witches are one of them. Kids dress up as witches and go door-to-door, similar to trick-or-treating. For those used to such festivities only during Halloween, this might seem like they’ve mixed up their holidays.
Foraging Frenzy:
Picture this, a throng of folks picking berries and mushrooms in the heart of a Finnish forest. A foreigner may squint at this sight, baffled. But here in Finland, this isn't some odd festivity. It's their standard weekend jaunt! They don't just admire nature, they participate in its bounty. From city parks to rural woods, Finns love a good forage.
Honesty is the Finnish Policy:
Finns tend to be straightforward and honest. Small talk isn't their forte, and they often get straight to the point. If you're used to polite circumlocutions and subtleties, Finnish directness might take some getting used to.
Coffee Lovers Unite:
Finns are some of the world's top coffee drinkers per capita. If you come from a culture where tea or other beverages rule, witnessing the average Finn's coffee consumption might make you wonder if there's a caffeine shortage looming.
The Finnish Spirit of Sisu:
Sisu is a Finnish concept embodying resilience, determination, and a bit of stubbornness. This ethos is so deeply ingrained in Finnish society that it's reflected in everything they do - from work to sports. If your culture is more relaxed, this intensity might feel a little overwhelming at first.
Roaming Rights - Jokamiehenoikeus:
Finland respects the right to roam. Anyone can freely wander in nature, pick berries, mushrooms, and even camp overnight in forests. This may feel liberating or even odd to foreigners accustomed to restrictions on such activities.
Saunas Everywhere:
Finland is the sauna capital of the world. They have them in homes, offices, and even at the Finnish Parliament. To a foreigner, this ubiquity might seem excessive, but to Finns, it's simply a part of life.
Land of the Midnight Sun and Polar Nights:
Depending on the time of the year, Finland experiences extreme light conditions. Summers come with an almost perpetual daylight, known as "midnight sun," while winters bring with them the dark period of "kaamos," when daylight is scarce. For someone accustomed to more moderate lighting conditions, this could be a surprising shift.
So there you have it, a whirlwind journey through the most astonishing Finnish culture shocks. Whether you're planning a visit or making Finland your new home, embrace these cultural peculiarities - they're part of what makes life here so unique and intriguing. Enjoy your Finnish adventure!
Most of us, finns, are introverts. We like to keep our distance, we love silence, we are a bit shy and kind. I think that we always try to help foreigners even though we have no words, but we’ll try. We are also liable, we usually try to keep our promises and love to see a smile and delight in everyones faces. We also want to welcome everyone here in Finland very warmly.
I think the most important thing is missing: security. In Finland kids can travel alone to school and many people leave their doors unlocked without fear of being robbed etc.
Hei, jokamiehenoikeus on nykyään jokaisenoikeus. Metsähallitus ei ole vielä kääntänyt ko. nettisivua englanniksi, mutta mielestäni teidän käännöksenne “roaming rights” on aika osuva. Tai ehkä “everyone’s right”?
Se että odotamme vihreän valon vaihtumista johtuu siitä, että yritämme opettaa lapsille turvallisen tavan kulkea koulumatkoja.
Jari W. Se nimimuutos on vain yhden puljun päähänpisto. Ei ole mikään virallinen asia.